4 Essential Tips for Accurate Measurements using Kestrel Handheld Products

Kestrel is known for very accurate, straightforward environmental monitoring solutions. Your Instrument Choice Scientists have formulated four easy-to-follow tips to ensure the highest level of precision from Kestrel's handheld products.
About Kestrel Products
In the 20 years since inception, Kestrel has diligently designed, built and refined compact, durable, portable, feature-packed, and easy-to-use weather and environmental meters. Their most extensive and successful range is their collection of handheld wind meters for home, hobby and professional use. These devices have contributed significantly to Kestrel's reputation for innovative, high-quality products.
4 Tips for Taking Accurate Measurements with Kestrel Products
Whether you already have a Kestrel product or are looking to purchase one, these straightforward tips will ensure you collect precise environmental data.
1. Hand Placement for Humidity Readings
Where you place your hand when using your meter has the potential to influence measurements dramatically. For example, If your Kestrel meter measures humidity, don't cover or position your fingers too close to the humidity chamber opening on the back.
Scientists' Tip: Keep your fingers below the groove on the back. Make this a habit to ensure you avoid affecting the sensor.
Figure 1 Humidity sensor location and groove line on the Kestrel 5500 meter
2. Measure Temperature in the Shade
If you expose your Kestrel device to direct sunlight, either the temperature sensor or the plastic meter body, the measured temperature will become elevated. This error can result in distorted temperature readings.
Here is you can avoid this mistake:
Scientists' Tip #2.1: Shade your Kestrel meter when taking general temperature and humidity readings. Wet-bulb temperature measurements are an exception because you need to position the sensor in direct sunlight.
Scientist's Tip #2.2: Don't be surprised if your temperature readings are somewhat higher than expected when taking wet bulb measurements.
Figure 2 Temperature sensor location on the Kestrel 5500 meter
3. Ensure Adequate Airflow for Temperature and Humidity Sensors
The volume of air passing over temperature and humidity sensors can influence results.
Scientists' Tip #3.1: For fundamentally accurate temperature and humidity records, DON'T attempt measurements with your Kestrel handheld unit lying flat on the ground. Instead, hold it vertically or stand it on its base so sufficient air can pass over the sensors.
Scientists' Tip #3.2: On still days, wave or swing your Kestrel meter on its lanyard to increase airflow.
Scientists' Tip #3.3: If you require highly accurate humidity reading results, we recommend you don't hold the meter in your hands. Instead, attach the Kestrel to a tripod such as the Kestrel Vane Mount (500 series). The vane mount isolates the meter from any operator-influenced errors and orientates the Kestrel into the wind, for optimal air movement
Figure 4 Kestrel 5500 Weather Meter with Vane Mount
4. Acclimatisation
When you move your Kestrel Meter to a new environment, your device's sensors require time to stabilise. The acclimatisation period needed is greater, the more significant the change of environment - like when moving your Kestrel device outdoors from an air-conditioned room on a hot, humid day. Humidity acclimatisation takes the longest period.
Scientists' Tip: For significant changes in the environment, let your Kestrel acclimatise for at least 15 minutes.
Follow the four tips listed above, and you will enjoy consistent and precise measurements from your Kestrel handheld products.
For more information on the tips above, or advice on implementing these tips for your unique application – speak with an Instrument Choice Scientist! We're here to help!
Call 1300 737 871 or email [email protected].
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