An Overview of Kestrel Wind Meter Models 1000 to 3500DT

About the Kestrel 1000-3500 Range
Kestrel meters pack all the features of much larger weather measuring devices into portable, handheld units, without sacrificing reliability or precision. The 1000-3500 range featured below is well-regarded for its ruggedness and waterproof qualities, which are ideally suited for harsh field conditions.
Waterproof Pocket Wind Meter
Product Code: Kestrel-1000
The Kestrel-1000 Pocket Wind Meter was the original meter of its type, and it is still going strong! Users can access accurate data of current wind speed, average wind speed, and maximum wind gust reports while on the go.
- Wind Speed
Waterproof Pocket Wind Meter
Product Code: Kestrel-2000
The Kestrel-2000 enables operators to capture up-to-the-minute information about wind speed, wind gusts, wind chill, as well as current air, water, and snow temperatures. The unit is waterproof, and it floats!
- Wind Speed
- Temperature
- Wind Chill
Kestrel-2500 - Pocket Wind Meter
Product Code: Kestrel-2500
The Kestrel-2500 takes all the impressive features of the Kestrel-2000 and adds a pressure sensor. A three-hour pressure trend indicator helps you predict when the weather's going to turn nasty. With its easy-to-use digital pressure altimeter, you have the perfect instrument for any outdoor activity.
- Wind Speed
- Temperature
- Wind Chill
- Pressure
- Altitude
Waterproof Pocket Wind Meter
Product Code: Kestrel-3000
The Kestrel-3000 is one of the most popular wind meters offered by Instrument Choice. With the addition of a heat index, you can remain informed about weather shifts and any conditions that require individuals or athletes to hydrate more often.
- Temperature
- Relative humidity
- Wind speed
- Wind chill
- Heat index
- Dew point
Kestrel-3500 - Waterproof Pocket Wind Meter
Product Code: Kestrel-3500
The Kestrel-3500 provides comprehensive environmental data on nine different measurements while retaining the operating simplicity of the Kestrel 1000. Simply turn on the device, scroll left, and then right. You will experience how quickly you can assess your hyperlocal environmental conditions.
- Temperature
- Relative Humidity
- Wind Speed
- Wind Chill
- Heat Index
- Dew Point
- Barometric Pressure
- Altitude
- Wet-Bulb Temperature
Waterproof Delta T Pocket Wind Meter
Product Code: Kestrel-3500-DeltaT
The Kestrel 3500 DT incorporates a Delta T calculation (i.e., the spread between the wet-bulb temperature and the dry bulb temperature (in degrees C). Delta T offers a quick guide to determining acceptable spraying conditions. The Kestrel-3500-DeltaT incorporates barometric pressure correction in its wet-bulb temperature calculation, ensuring accuracy even on low-pressure days, at high altitudes, and in very dry weather when Delta-T Monitoring is essential.
- Wind Speed
- Temperature
- Wind Chill
- Relative Humidity
- Dew Point
- Barometric Pressure
- Altitude
- Wet-Bulb Temperature
- Delta-T
Kestrel Meter 1000- 3500 Comparison Table
Figure 1 Comparison of Kestrel models measurement parameters and features
Kestrel meters are powerful handheld tools capable of measuring a range of environmental parameters simultaneously. The straightforward comparison table (above) will help you select the most appropriate Kestrel meter for your measurement needs.
Can't see a Kestrel meter listed above that meets your weather measurement needs? Browse the full range of Basic and Advanced Kestrel meters here.
Want more information on Kestrel products? Contact one of the Instrument Choice Scientists. We're here to help! Call 1300 737 871 or email [email protected].
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