How to Measure Wine pH Using the IC-HI981033 Foodcare Wine pH Tester

How to Measure Wine pH Using the IC-HI981033 Foodcare Wine pH Tester

Want to control the freshness, colour, flavour, chemical stability and shelf life of the wine you are producing? Measuring the pH of wine delivers valuable insights into these parameters and more to help winemakers create a better product.

Jampacked with a host of specialised features, the IC-HI981033 wine pH tester is perfectly suited for winemaking. What’s more, this meter achieves fast and accurate results and is remarkably straightforward to use.

Figure 1 Watch an Instrument Choice Scientist demonstrate how to measure wine pH using the Hanna Instruments IC-HI981033 here.

How to Measure Wine pH Using the IC-HI981033 Foodcare Wine pH Tester

  1. Before use or at least once per week, calibrate your pH meter to ensure accurate results. For more precise results, it is recommended you calibrate to a minimum of two buffer points. If you are unsure how to calibrate this meter, watch an Instrument Choice scientist demonstrate how in the video ‘How to Calibrate the IC-HI981033 Wine pH Tester’.
  2. Press the button to turn the device on and remove the electrode cap.
  3. Immerse the electrode into the wine sample you wish to measure.
  4. The hourglass on the screen is the stabilisation indicator. Wait for the hourglass to disappear from the screen then, record your wine pH reading.
  5. Between samples, rinse the electrode in water. Once you have finished taking measurements, wash the electrode in warm water with a mild detergent or use the Hanna Instruments cleaning solution for wine stains.
  6. When the electrode is clean, add a few drops of storage solution into the storage cap and replace. Store the electrode away somewhere safe for your next wine pH measurement.


The pH of wine is responsible for freshness, colour, flavour, chemical stability, and shelf life. Regularly using a quality pH meter like the IC-HI981033 pH tester by Hanna Instruments will help ensure you consistently obtain the accurate wine pH data you need.

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