Introducing Handheld IR Thermometers for Human-use!

This article explains what criteria sets apart IR thermometers for human-use from industrial thermometers. We’ve also thrown-in examples of thermometers, which you can access now, that are straightforward to deploy as a preliminary body temperature screening tool.
About IR Thermometers
IR Thermometers (also known as either non-contact or laser thermometers) to measure the surface temperature of an object from a distance. An IR thermometer also accounts for an object’s emissivity value, i.e., the measure of how effectivity a surface can emit energy as infrared radiation.
The difference between Human-Use and Industrial IR Thermometers
For measuring temperatures in humans, you need an infrared thermometer gun designed for this application. Most industrial thermometers cover a wide measurement range for many applications. The versatility required for industrial needs can have a trade-off, more flexibility but reduced overall accuracy. The error factor of industrial instruments averages between ±1 to 1.5°C and this is not acceptable for body temperature measurement.
Human-use thermometers have a much tighter measurement error that shoulders the expected temperature of a human body. You can expect accuracy that averages ±0.1 to 0.3°C.
Preliminary Body Temperature Screening Human-use IR Thermometers
To scan the temperature of a person at a safe distance, the surface to target for measurement is the forehead. But a word of warning, measuring temperature on the forehead can produce misleading results. For example, if you have been exercising or outside on a hot day, you will see elevated temperatures. In cold weather, you may infer an inaccurately low body temperature. Therefore, it is essential to use commonsense when taking preliminary measurements. Further, these are not suitable for temperature screening protocol for fever detection and diagnosis. Please seek appropriate medical advice if you wish to set up a temperature screening protocol for fever detection or diagnosis.
Examples of Human-use IR Thermometers
Non-Contact Forehead Thermometer
Product Code: IC-15004
The IC-15004 is simple to use. Point the IR thermometer at someone’s forehead from a distance of 5cm, and instantly, a temperature reading will appear on the large LCD.
The unit features selectable temperature units (Celcius or Fahrenheit), user-adjustable alarms, and a memory that holds up to 32 data points. At the flick of a switch, you measure the temperature a human body temperature, then change to measure non-human surface temperatures too!
IC-15004 Key Specifications
Body Temperature Measurement Range: 32°C to 42.5°C
Accuracy: (±0.3°C) 32°C to 35.9°C, (± 0.2°C) 36°C to 39°C, (±0.3°C)39°C to 42.5°C
Measuring Distance: 5-15 cm
Response Time: 0.5 seconds
UNI-T Non-Contact Digital Infrared Thermometer with Tripod Mount
Product Code: IC-UT305R
The IC-UT305R can quickly and accurately take touch-free body temperature measurements. This IR thermometer offers a tripod mount, large backlit LCD screen, 8-second data-hold on the screen, and an audible high temperature (>37.2°C) buzzer alarm.
IC-UT305R Key Specifications
Body Temperature Measurement Range: 32°C to 42.9°C
Accuracy: ±0.3°C
Measuring Distance: 5-10 cm
Response Time: ≤250 milliseconds
Infrared Thermometer
Product Code: IC7422
The IC7422 is another device that is straightforward to use and can switch between body measurement and object measurement. Object mode allows you to measure liquids, such as baby milk, or other surfaces. In body detection mode, the unit features an automatic fever alarm above 38.3°C and takes measurements in less than one second. Great for use around the home.
IC7422 Key Specifications
Body Temperature Measurement Range: 32°C to 42.9°C
Accuracy: ±0.2%
Measuring Distance: 5-10cm
Response Time: <1 second
Forehead IR thermometers are effective tools for preliminary body temperature tests and quick checks. Simple-to-use and effortless to maintain, these instruments are affordable and essential tools for the home. Some models offer the flexibility of human and general use.
Want more information on IR thermometers? Contact one of the Instrument Choice Scientists. We’re here to help! Call 1300 737 871 or email [email protected].
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