Looking For Scientific Product Support? Look No Further Than Instrument Choice!

Looking For Scientific Product Support? Look No Further Than Instrument Choice!

Instrument Choice is Australia’s leading provider of scientific instruments and accessories. A major reason for our popularity is our renowned scientific product support – a service unique to Instrument Choice. It’s all designed to ensure you’ll get the right equipment for your application, and all within your budget.  

Selecting Your Product

Our customers really appreciate scientific product support when it’s time to research and select your scientific instrument.
Buyers of scientific instruments face many challenges and often have very specific application requirements. For example, a farmer or agronomist may require a sophisticated and reliable weather station costing many thousands of dollars. On the other hand, a homeowner who is just developing an interest in weather watching may be satisfied with equipment costing only a few hundred dollars (or less). A building consultant may need to measure and log moisture to a very high degree of accuracy, whereas a restaurant owner may only need a product that satisfies minimum health and safety standards. Customers searching for a specific item or model number may find it difficult or time-consuming to track down a supplier. Other customers may know what type of device they want but lack the necessary confidence to choose the right instrument from the huge range of products available today.
If, you find yourself hesitating before buying your scientific instrument, don’t worry! You can easily eliminate such decision-making challenges by simply speaking to one of our scientists. Whether you contact us by telephone, email or our online chat, when you speak to an Instrument Choice scientist, you’ll discover a specialist who is qualified, experienced, helpful, and friendly. They will know our products inside-out, where you can find what you’re looking for (even if we don’t stock the item), how to appreciate the differences between similar products, how each instrument can be used for different applications, and how to discern which device may best match your specific application(s).

Meet Some Of the scientific expertise amongst the Instrument Choice team

Tyson Grubbimage1.jpeg 

Managing Director
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic & Microengineering) – University of South Australia
Responsible Officer Training – Business SA
Completed the SAYES program for young entrepreneurs with Business SA

Before starting Instrument Choice, Tyson graduated in Electronic Engineering, spent 12 months abroad working in biomedical engineering at the University of Iowa, USA, was a Field Application Engineer, Product Designer and Software Developer.

Tyson started Instrument Choice in 2007 after being inspired by a friend to design a range of temperature data loggers. When he’s not creating data loggers, Tyson is enthusiasm for technology drives him to research and track down the best scientific instruments the world has to offer.

In his spare time, Tyson enjoys hiking or mountain biking in the beautiful Adelaide Hills indoor rock climbing, gardening and holidays away from home. 


Daniel McGaffin

Product Manager/Client Services Manager 
Bachelor of Science
Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management and Policy

Daniel is the most senior member of the Instrument Choice client services team. As well as responding promptly to client inquiries he is responsible for Instrument Choice’s product management and assists in the daily running of the business. 

Daniel has qualifications in Environmental Management and Policy. This means he has a strong understanding of environmental practices and testing environmental parameters. He is also an excellent communicator having worked for many years in the hospitality and retail industries. (He can still pour you a fine pint of ale).


Bang Hoang 

Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Scientific Sales Consultant

Bang has a background in scientific research and hospitality. His research laboratory experience began in 2009. During his career, he has researched Ulcerative Colitis, Foetal Development, Prostate Cancer and Heart Disease.

Each project required him to use the latest scientific and laboratory equipment and master a wide range of technical skills, which makes him a specialist in laboratory equipment. 

Bang is an enthusiastic soccer player and feeds his passion for Vietnamese cuisine.

Meeting Purchasing Department Requirements

Make use of our scientific product support service to help you collate any information you may need to forward to your organisation’s purchasing officer.     Our scientists are familiar with most purchasing procedures and have the right technical information on hand.

After Your Product Arrives

Instrument Choice’s scientific product support does not end once your purchase leaves our store. We support our customers with a lifetime scientific product support service. Use this service to help set-up and test your scientific equipment, get advice about how to conduct scientific tests (using your equipment) or how to accurately calibrate your device.
Looking For Scientific Product Support? Look No Further Than Instrument Choice!

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Looking for a Cheap Temperature Data Logger? Instrument Choice has you covered.

A temperature data logger is a small and typically portable sensor designed to measure and record the temperature of the surrounding environment.

Temperature data loggers are becoming increasingly useful in a range of industries from food to pharmaceutical manufacture. Temperature logger use is often integrated into company quality management systems and good manufacturing practices. The most common applications for temperature data loggers are monitoring of cold chain processes, monitoring of refrigeration and indoor or outdoor environmental monitoring.

Cheap, yet rich in features there’s an extensive range of temperature data loggers available from the Instrument Choice store. This article will explore what cheap temperature data loggers are available and introduce 5 great examples of loggers available.

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Looking for a Cheap Temperature Data Logger? Instrument Choice has you covered.

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