Product Review: WET Kit Soil Moisture Measurement Sensor

Product Review: WET Kit Soil Moisture Measurement Sensor

Instrument Choice’s team of scientists regularly reviews new and popular products, so when searching for the perfect scientific instrument for your application, you can make more informed decisions.

This edition inspects the WET Soil Analysis Kit, a robust, complete solution for the rapid analysis of plant root zones' moisture and nutrient status.

About Delta-T Devices

Delta-T Devices has been at the forefront of environmental scientific measurement technology for over 50 years. They are internationally famous for innovative sensors and data loggers often used in the agricultural and research fields.

Introducing the WET Kit

The WET kit comprises a soil analysis sensor and HH2 handheld meter. The WET Soil Analysis Sensor is inserted easily into most soils, substrates, and composts so growers and researchers can efficiently monitor and optimise growing conditions. The device measures three critical soil properties: water content, electrical conductivity and temperature.

  • Water Content: The soil moisture measurement sensor uses calibration tables to convert measured dielectric properties into water content readings over a range of 0-80%. Generalised calibrations are available for most common soil types, and specialised calibrations are available on request.
  • Pore Water Conductivity: The sensor calculates the water's electrical conductivity within the soil's pores (ECp). ECp is the conductivity of water available to the plant.
  • Temperature: Soil and substrate temperature is measured using a small sensor built into the multiparameter probe.

The HH2 handheld meter is compact, portable and designed for field use. Measured readings are displayed on the high contrast LCD and stored in the device memory for later downloads to a computer.

Key Features of the WET Kit Soil Moisture Measurement Sensor

  • Straightforward operation: The WET kit has all the features of a professional meter, without the guff. Insert the WET sensor into the substrate to be measured, and press READ. After five seconds, you can scroll through your water content, pore water EC and temperature readings.
  • Rugged probe for multiple applications: The WET soil moisture measurement sensor is suitable for insertion into substrates, composts and most soils.
  • Accurate: Stable and accurate readings from 0 to 80% water content, 0 to ~600 mS.m, and -5 to 50°C
  • Portable: The WET kit comes with the WET soil moisture measurement sensor, the HH2 handheld unit, and a safe and tough transport case.
  • Data Collection: Each time-stamped reading includes a unique sample number, a plot identification letter (A to Z) and a sensor location number (1 to 255).
  • PC Connectivity: Data is transferred to a PC using the RS232 cable provided. See ordering information for USB connection. HH2Read software downloads data in comma-separated ASCII (.csv) format, ready for opening in Excel. Further, data can be merged with existing downloaded data using the free Dataset Import Wizard.
  • Add-ons: The WET Sensor can be connected to the GP2 or GP1 Data Logger to monitor fluctuations in growing conditions over time. The intelligent control relay capability of the GP2 and GP1 is fully compatible with the WET Sensor, resulting in a configurable system to control water content, EC, or temperature.
  • Research Grade Sensor: The WET sensor has been used in agriculture and horticulture research for over 15 years. The innovative ASIC-based design and three-parameter measurement make the WET sensor an efficient all-in-one tool for soil analysis.
  • Specialist calibrations available: The WET sensor is supplied with default calibrations for generic mineral, sand, organic and clay soils. If you require a specialist calibration, contact us!. Calibrations available for:
    • Stonewool
    • Pearbased botting mix
    • Greenhouse mineral soils; and
    • Coir. 

WET Kit Specifications

Soil Moisture Measurement Sensor Specifications – WET Sensor


Volumetric water content

Pore water conductivity (ECp)



Volumetric water content: ± 0.03 m3 .m-3 (3%)

Pore water conductivity (ECp): See appendix 1 (below)

Temperature: ± 1.5°C

Soil moisture measurement range

Volumetric water content: Full accuracy over: 0 to 1.0 m3 .m-3

Pore water conductivity (ECp): See appendix 1 (below)

Temperature: 0 to 50°C

Salinity range

0 to 300 mS.m-1

Supplied with extended range calibrations, which should be used for readings between 300 to 500 mS.m-1

Temperature range

-5 to 50°C


Serial TTL data providing permittivity, bulk conductivity and temperature, from which water content and pore water conductivity are calculated

Power requirement

6 to 10 V, ~38 mA for 2.5 s

Environmental protection


Sample volume

~500 ml
Sample volume is weighted towards soil immediately surrounding the rods


Overall: ~120 x 45 x 13 mm
Rods: 68 mm x 3.0 mm dia
Outer rods 68 mm x 3.0 mm dia
Central rod 65 mm x 5.0 mm dia


0.1 kg

Sensor calibrations

Sensor calibrations supplied in WET Sensor EEPROM. Recalibration advised every 3 years (depending on use).

Soil calibrations

Generalised Mineral, Organic, Sand and Clay calibrations are supplied, specialist calibrations are available for horticultural substrates.


WET Kit Horticultural Applications

The WET soil moisture measurement sensor kit is ideal for:

  • Fertigation and hydroponics
  • Soil salinity analysis
  • Monitoring container-grown trees and shrubs
  • Various agricultural tasks; and
  • Soil science and research. 


What do our scientists conclude about the WET Kit Soil Moisture Measurement Sensor?

“The WET Soil Moisture Measurement Sensor from Delta-T Devices is an essential piece of equipment if the accurate measurement of soil and substrates is vital to your business.”

Want more information about the WET kit or other Soil Moisture Measurement sensors? Speak with an Instrument Choice Scientist! Call 1300 737 871 or email [email protected].

Appendix 1

Pore water conductivity accuracy for the WET kit

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