What is a Hot Wire Anemometer?

What is a Hotwire Anemometer?
A Hotwire Anemometer usually consists of two probes with a small, thin wire stretched between them. The anemometer heats the thin wire to a known set temperature, and as the wind passes over the wire, it will begin to cool. The hot wire anemometer calculates wind speed by determining the heat loss of the wire while the sensor is positioned in the wind stream to be measured.
Hot Wire Anemometers use the principle that the impact of wind will have a cooling effect on the wire. Hotwire anemometers determine the rate of cooling by either the constant current or the constant temperature method.
- Constant current method – A fixed current will flow to heat the wire. Exposure of the heated wire to airflow will alter the temperature. The device can measure wind speed from this change as the temperature is directly proportional to the airflow rate.
- Constant temperature method – These Hot Wire Anemometers work to keep the wire at a constant temperature. As the passing air reduces the heat of the wire, the device will need to pull more current to keep the temperature steady. The device will then calculate the current pull required to maintain a constant temperature to determine a wind speed reading.
What are the major applications of Hot Wire Anemometers?
Hot Wire Anemometers are best for measuring areas with relatively constant ambient temperature and lower wind velocity such, as measurements within indoor environments. Most commonly, Hot Wire Anemometers are used to check and monitor HVAC systems, flow hoods, and exhaust systems.
Examples of Hot Wire Anemometers
Instrument Choice Scientists have assembled four representative examples of Hot Wire Anemometers outlining their key specifications, features, and best applications.
Thermal Anemometer with Holding Clip
Product Code: 0560-4053
The 0560-4053 Hot Wire Anemometer is a small, handheld device that features a 300mm telescopic handle and swivel screen. It accurately determines air flow, volume flow rate, and temperature.
Measurement Range: 0 to 10m/s
Accuracy: From 0 to +2 m/s± 0.1 m/s + 5% of mv, Remaining range ± (0.3 m/s + 5% of mv)
Operating Temperature:0 to 50°C
0560-4053 Key Features: Swivel display screen and 300mm telescroping probe.
Applications:The 0560-4053 Hot Wire Anemometer is a perfect tool for measuring air flow in ducts and hard-to-reach vents.
Testo 405i Smart Hot Wire Anemometer
Product Code: IC-0560-1405
The Testo IC-0560-1405 determines air velocity, temperature, indoor air velocity and volumetric flows. It’s easy-to-use, wireless, and can transmit results instantly to your phone or tablet.
Measurement Range: 0 to 30m/s
Accuracy: From 0 to 2 m/s ± 0.1 m/s + 5 % of m.v., From 2 to 15 m/s ± 0.3 m/s + 5 % of m.v.
Operating Temperature:-20 to +50 °C
IC-0560-1405 Key Features: Bluetooth wireless design, measurement data, and results sent straight to your phone via the Smart Tools App, small and easily transportable.
Applications: The IC-0560-1405 is perfect for carrying out tasks in ventilation ducts and monitoring HVAC systems.
Thermo-anemometer with hotwire
Product Code: VT110S
The VT110S Hot Wire Anemometer can measure air velocity, temperature, and airflow. Features include airflow calculation, automatic averaging, detection of flow direction, and hold/minimum/maximum functions.
Measurement Range: 0.15 to 30 m/s
Accuracy: From 0.15 to 3 m/s : ± 3% of reading ± 0.05 m/s, From 3.1 to 30 m/s : ± 3% of reading ± 0.2 m/s
Operating Temperature: From 0 to 50°c
VT110S Key Features: Selection of measurement units, ability to add in duct dimensions to automatically calculate volumetric flow, automatic average.
Applications: We recommend the VT110S Hot Wire Anemometer for applications that require professional accuracy, e.g., troubleshooting and monitoring HVAC systems, and exhaust monitoring.
Hot Wire Anemometer Logger, K-J Thermometer, SD Card
Product Code: ICAM4214SD
Easy and accurate measuring with the ability to data log straight onto an SD card makes the ICAM4214SD is powerful Hot Wire Anemometer for professionals.
Measurement Range: 0.2 to 25m/s
Accuracy: ±1% of scale + 0.1m/sec
Operating Temperature: 0 to 50°C
ICAM4214SD Key Features: Input for type K or J thermocouple, 1-36000 second automatic or 99 data point manual logging, SD card input capability.
Applications: Monitoring HVAC systems, exhaust and vents where high accuracy and data logging capability is required.
Hot Wire Anemometers are a popular tool for measuring wind speed in areas with relatively constant temperature and lower wind velocity – particularly for indoor environments. These devices are suited to monitoring airflow around HVAC systems, flow hoods, and exhaust systems.
The examples provided by Instrument Choice Scientists show that there is a hot wire anemometer to suit any application of budget.
Want more information on Anemometers? See a breakdown of each type of anemometer in our article ‘Types of Anemometers.’
Unsure of which hot wire anemometer is best for your application? Want more information on any of the above products? Contact one of the Instrument Choice Scientists. We’re here to help!
Call 1300 737 871 or email [email protected].
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