Why you should be using a soil moisture meter

Why you should be using a soil moisture meter

Do my plants have enough water? When should I be watering them? Are they too dry? Am I overwatering them?  

These are valid questions. If they are left unanswered, the negative impact on your plants or crops can be considerable. Moisture meters are the perfect tools for farmers, horticulturalists, groundskeepers, hobby gardeners, and the parents of indoor plants. The correct application of soil moisture meters will help you optimise the growth of your plants by ensuring that precious water is applied as required.

About Soil Moisture 

Soil moisture is an essential factor in the growth and development of healthy plants.

If plants are overwatered and the soil becomes too wet, it may become waterlogged. Waterlogging will cause the roots to die as they cannot absorb enough oxygen, or they may develop root rot. If you underwater your soil will become too dry, your plants will start to wilt, lose their leaves, have slow growth, and eventually die.

The ideal soil moisture will depend on how much water each plant species requires. The correct amount of moisture varies from plant-to-plant (check individual plant variety details) as well as soil type.

Soil types, moisture retention, and water availability

The proportion of sand, silt, and clay determine soil types. Each type has different physical and chemical properties giving them differing water infiltration, retention, and availability rates. Figure 1 below summarises classifications of soil types.


Figure 1: A soil texture triangle showing soil textures based on the percentage of sand, silt, and clay. Reference.

Listed below are the four main definitions of soil compositions that are broken down further into texture subtypes, which are a mixture of each main group.

  1. Sand has a high infiltration rate with low water retention and little chemical activity.
  2. Silt has moderate plant available water with a low-to-moderate water infiltration rate. Also, silt can compact under high traffic, which will obstruct the flow of air and water.
  3. Loam is moderately susceptible to compaction, moderate plant available water, and moderate infiltration rate.
  4. Clay soils have some restrictions on water movement, which can occasionally lead to waterlogging. However, these soils have medium-to-high plant available water. Clay soils are highly susceptible to mechanical compaction.

Based on the soil composition, there are two critical values you need to know. These are:

  1. Wilting Point: This is where the moisture level falls below a critical point, and the plant begins to wilt and is likely to die.
  2. Field Capacity: This refers to the maximum amount of water a particular type of soil can hold after excess water has drained away. When the moisture level is above and remains above field capacity oxygen, levels will become restricted, as illustrated in figure 2.

Figure 2 This graph shows the field capacity and wilting points of various texture classes of soil. 

The Key Benefits of Soil Moisture Meters

Soil moisture plays an enormous role in the health and vitality of your plants and crops. A soil moisture meter is easy to use and will cost-effectively:

  • Reduce water wastage
  • Boost plant growth and development
  • Increase crop yields
  • Stop you from underwatering plants
  • Stop you from overwatering and killing your favourite plants.

Examples of Soil Moisture Meters

Instrument Choice scientists have put together five examples of soil moisture meters available at Instrument Choice. These range from soil moisture meters for use in the home garden to hardy meters built for use in professional agriculture or scientific studies.

pH and Moisture Meter with Short Probe for Home Use


Product Code: ICZDO5

The ICZDO5 will help you measure both soil moisture and pH with the click of a button.

The meter’s soil moisture readings range from one to eight. Number one indicates that the soil is wet, and the number eight indicates that the soil is dry.

Applications: The ICZDO5 is a perfect instrument for the home garden, indoor plants, and educational purposes.

Key Specifications:

Moisture Reading: Easy to read display of moisture on a scale of 0 to 8.

Soil pH and Moisture Meter with Probe


Product Code: ICZDO6

Measuring pH and moisture levels are almost too easy with this popular, and accurate meter. The 30cm probe makes measuring it easy to take measurements at different depths.

This meter does not require batteries, and its easy-to-read moisture level scale of 0 to 8 makes it ideal for fieldwork.

Applications: Instrument Choice scientists recommend this device for the home garden, general agricultural use, or classroom experiments.

Key Specifications:

Moisture Reading: Easy to read display of moisture on a scale of 0 to 8.

Soil Moisture Meter


Product Code: PMS-714

This soil moisture meter is designed to make determining the moisture percentage of your soil a cinch. Complete with a 20cm heavy-duty probe, which means you can obtain results at a range of depths.

Perfect for: Home use, landscapers, farming, and more.

Key Specifications:

Moisture Reading: Results are displays as a percentage. Measurement range 0-50%.

Aquaterr Soil Moisture Meter


Product Code: IC-T-350

This reliable meter built to withstand all that fieldwork, and agriculture can throw its way. With a weatherproof design and 76.2cm stainless steel probe, you can measure the moisture of the soil surface right down to the root depths.

Applications: The IC-T-350 is often chosen by golf course landscapers, irrigation consultants, farmers, and more.

Key Specifications:

  • Moisture Reading: Measures the entire moisture range displayed as a percentage 0-100%.
  • Soil Temperature Reading: As a bonus, this meter displays the temperature of the soil.

Instant Soil Moisture Reading Kit


Product Code: IC-MPKit-406B

For a portable, professional, and convenient measurement of the volumetric soil content, you can’t go past the IC-MPKit-406B.

You can control irrigation by permanently burying the MP406 and connecting it to an irrigation controller with an industry-standard 4-20mA interface. (Check out the replacements and additional connections that are available here). This device also stores readings for later recall or to download onto a computer.

Applications: The IC-MPKit-406B is the perfect package for scientific research or irrigation management.

Key Specifications:

Moisture Reading: Measurement range from 0 to 100% VSW (Volumetric Soil Water)


Measuring soil moisture with a soil moisture meter is a quick and easy way to determine your soil moisture. What’s more, a moisture meter will help optimise your water management to avoid over or under watering plants, and prevent water wastage – you can't lose!

View our full range of soil moisture meters here.

Need help finding a soil moisture meter to suit your application? Want more information on any of the above products? Contact one of the Instrument Choice Scientists. We’re here to help!

Call 1300 737 871 or email [email protected]

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