February Newsletter 2013 - Sound Level Meters - The Castle Range - Who has the loudest car at Instrument Choice?

February Newsletter 2013 - Sound Level Meters - The Castle Range - Who has the loudest car at Instrument Choice?

Welcome to the new format for our Newsletter, we are introducing monthly experiments which we hope you find interesting and informative.  Please don’t be afraid to let us know what you think of the new newsletter, you can send your feedback by replying to this email.

This month we are taking a look at a new range of sound level meters we are excited to be able to provide you with.  The Castle Group are a UK company which has over 40 years’ experience in designing and manufacturing quality professional sound levels meters. 

We decided to put one of the castle meters to the test with this month’s experiment by using it to test who had the loudest car at the Instrument Choice office, needless to say some enthusiastic revving occurred and the loudest car was proclaimed, check the experiment below to see who contributes most to the noise pollution on our roads.

Remember; if you have any questions regarding tests you need to conduct or specific instrumentation please give us a call.  

Until next month...
Tyson Grubb

Instrument Choice now distributor of the Castle Sound Level Meter range
We are excited to announce that Instrument Choice is now an Australian distributor of the Castle Group range of Sound Level Meters.  Measuring noise really does not have to complicated, even for those new to the field.  

Castle Group makes this a simple and easy process with a meter to suit virtually any application and with over 40 years’ experience when you buy a Castle you buy with confidence.

Their philosophy is to provide competent, innovative instrumentation that is simple to use. The development of their products is geared entirely around making your life easier with logical user interfaces and tailored information. With meters, dosimeters, calibrators and kits meeting both Class 1 and Class 2 standards Castle have the product to suit.

If your primary goal is to notify workers that a noise hazard is present this is precisely where the Castle dBalert Vibrating Personal Noise Activated Warning unit comes into play. Perfect for safe work requirements or just for your employees and your peace of mind. It is specifically designed to activate only when the noise exceeds a pre-set level. This will warn your workers that they are working in a hazardous environment and to put their hearing protection on. The dBAlert utilises an Ultra-bright warning LED that is designed to catch the wearer’s attention, it also includes a vibrating alert which means there won’t be any excuses that your employees couldn’t see the alarm. 

When you want to get serious about industrial and environmental logging Castle delivers. The GA6226 Class 2 Industrial/Environmental Sound logging meter provides the essential measurements required in a number of applications and is well suited to carrying out Noise Risk assessments along with the majority of environmental assessment work. With the ability to measure a range of parameters including Leq (equivalent continuous level) both in ‘A’ and ‘C’ weightings, along with Cpeak, 5 selectable percentile values (Ln’s) and sound exposure (LE) and data log them simultaneously into its 10,000 point data memory for future analysis makes it a very powerful meter indeed.

If you need a Class 1 meter to comply with certain regulations Castle offers the GA116B that can be coupled with the GA607 Class 1 Calibrator to form a formidable package at a price that won’t break the budget.

The loudest car in the parking lot
To highlight the features of the Castle GA116B we thought we’d run a quick experiment to see whose car was the loudest when tested in accordance to the National Stationary Exhaust Noise Test Procedures for In-Service Motor Vehicles

This test is performed to determine if cars are quiet enough to be roadworthy; if a car registers a result of 90dB or higher it is not considered roadworthy.

Equipment used:
- Castle GA116B – Class 1 Sound level meter with calibration certificate – complies with Australian Standard 1259.1-1990
- Castle GA607 – Class 1 calibrator – used to check calibration of above unit before and after test
- Tape measure

Cars tested:
2001 Hyundai Accent, 4 cylinder, 1.5L – “The Golden Nugget”
2007 Suzuki Swift, 4 cylinder 1.5L – “The Silver Arrow”
2002 Subaru Impreza, 4 cylinder 2.5L – “The Beast”

Prior to each test, the calibration of the meter was checked with the GA607. Each car was then tested by revving the engines to 4000rpm and maintaining that rpm whilst the test was performed. The sound level meters microphone was then pointed towards the exhaust at an angle of 45 degrees and at a distance of 525mm. The units were placed at exhaust height. The readings were taken once the variability was less than 1dB.


The Silver Arrow - 79.3dB
The Gold Nugget - 77.7dB
The Beast - 80.7dB

The Subaru (the beast) gave the highest sound level reading of 80.7dB. The Suzuki gave a reading of 79.3dB and the Hyundai gave the lowest reading at 77.7dB.

All of the cars gave readings which were less than 90dB which means that they passed the test. The beast confirmed its reputation as the loudest car in the parking lot.