Smart Out-of-Box IOT Gateway with Internal Antenna and RS485/ModbusRTU
Product code: STHC-ISG02DB-WS433-CL-04
Smart Out-of-Box IOT Long Range Wireless Bridge Master
Product code: STHC-ISG02DB-WS433-BL-RS485-M2
Smart Indoor Air Quality Monitor with RS485 ModbusRTU Output - SIAQ-RS485-02-D28
Product code: SIAQ-RS485-02-D28
V22-WRTHV2 Complete Personal Remote Monitoring Weather Station
Product code: IC-V22-WRTHV2
4200 g x 0.01 g GF Dual-Range Multi-Functional Precision Balance
Product code: IC-GF-4002A
1000 g / 1620 g x 0.001 g / 0.002 g GF Dual-Range Multi-Functional Precision Balance
Product code: IC-GF-1603A