About the Dwyer Instrument Range

About Dwyer
Founded in 1931, Dwyer Instruments has become a global leader in the design and manufacture of innovative controls, sensors, and instrumentation solutions. In this article, we overview a selection of outstanding test instruments made by Dwyer Instruments and stocked by Instrument Choice.
Test Equipment
Dwyer test equipment range includes meters and gauges for calibration, measurement, testing air velocity and flow, gas detection and analysis, HVAC Balancing, humidity and temperature, light, and many, many more applications. Here is a taste of what Dwyer offers.
Air Velocity and Flow
Model 475-000-FM AV Air Velocity Kit.
Product Code: 475-000-FM-AV
The 475-000-FM-AV test kit features a Handheld Digital Manometer that's indispensable for any plant engineer, industrial hygienist, and HVAC technician.
Common applications include field calibration, monitoring, and troubleshooting HVAC systems, and clean rooms, as well as a wide range of low-pressure pneumatic systems.
The package comprises of a handheld meter that measures positive, negative, and differential pressures of air as well as natural gases in ranges from 1" w.c. (0.249 kPa) to 150 psid (10.34 bar). Accessories in the carry case include a Pitot tube, two static pressure tips with magnetic mounting, condenser coils, rubber tubing, 9V battery, step drill, AV calculator slide rule, and a custom-fitted carrying case.
Gas Detection
Combustible Leak Detector
Product Code: IC-CLD20
The IC-CLD20 caters to professionals who need to deal with time-critical and dangerous problems. The instrument can swiftly and accurately locate leaks of materials such as Methane, Butane, Ammonia, Ethylene Oxide, Alcohols, Industrial Solvents, and many more combustible and toxic substances.
The device is marvellously easy to use. An adjustable tick rate accelerates as the sensor tip approaches a leak. The detector can then be re-zeroed to pinpoint the exact location of the seepage. Problem solved!
HVAC Balancing
Dwyer SAH Series Smart Air Hood
Product Code: IC-SAH
The SAH Smart Air Hood uses Dwyer's Quad Flow Design Technology with predictive balancing for superior measurement accuracy and efficiency. The unit features Wi-Fi communication between the hood and a handheld instrument over an impressive range of 180 meters. Measurement is simple, fast, and economical.
Humidity Temperature Meter
Product Code: IC-M485B
The IC-M485B Thermo-Hygrometer is a versatile, compact, handheld instrument for technicians who need to measure the percentage of relative humidity and temperature in F or °C in such situations in buildings, offices or homes. The meter also derives dew point and wet bulb measurements from the humidity and temperature readings. A bright, crisp LCD screen displays your results.
Dwyer is known for the design and manufacture of an extensive selection of quality, reliable, and accurate gauges used extensively in industrial applications that measure, monitor and control pressures, velocities, and flow rates of gases.
Digital Pressure Gauge
DigiMag Digital Differential Pressure Gauge (0-0.25")
Product Code: IC-DM-1102
The DigiMag Pressure gauge monitors the pressure of air and non-combustible, compatible gases. The 4-digit LCD can displays readings in standard English and metric units, so conversions are not necessary. The simplified four-button operation reduces set up time and simplifies calibration with its digital push button zero and span.
Standard Pressure Gauge
Dwyer Magnehelic Differential Pressure Gage (0-0.25")
Product Code: IC-2000‐00
The IC-2000‐00 pressure gauge is a versatile, low differential pressure device that quickly indicates air or non-corrosive gas pressures - either positive, negative (vacuum) or differential. The design resists shock, vibration, over-pressures, and is weatherproof to IP67 standard.
Dwyer Instruments is a global leader in the production of innovative controls, sensors, and instrumentation solutions. Instrument Choice scientists can expertly guide you to the perfect equipment for your specific needs.
Want to know more about our range of Dwyer Instruments? Browse the full range available at Instrument Choice here or speak to an Instrument Choice Scientist. We're here to help!Call 1300 737 871 or email customer-service@instrumentchoice.com.au.
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