How to Measure Brix Percentage in Juice Using the Atago IC-PAL-1 Digital Pocket Refractometer

How to Measure Brix Percentage in Juice Using the Atago IC-PAL-1 Digital Pocket Refractometer

The IC-PAL-1 Digital Pocket Refractometer by Atago Instruments has a wide Brix measurement range from 0 to 53%, making it a tool that's well-suited to measure almost any fruit juice, food, or drink. In this video article, we demonstrate how just how straightforward it is to take a Brix measurement in fruit juice using the IC-PAL-1.

How to Measure Brix Percentage in Juice Using the Atago IC-PAL-1 Digital Pocket Refractometer

Figure 1 Watch an Instrument Choice Scientist demonstrate how to measure the Brix percentage in juice samples using the IC-PAL-1 Digital Pocket Refractometer by Atago here.


You will need:

  1. The Atago IC-PAL-1 Digital Pocket Refractometer
  2. A Pipette
  3. Water (Distilled or tap)

  1. At the start of each day, before taking a measurement, perform a zero calibration. To do so, turn the device on by pressing 'START' and ensure the sensor prism is clean.
  2. Apply enough water to cover the prism then press 'START' again. A measurement will appear within seconds.
  3. If the measurement is 0, take no action. If the measurement is not reading 0, press the 'ZERO' key.
  4. '000' will now appear on the screen.Wipe the water away from the prism. The meter is now ready to take measurements.
  5. Apply the juice you wish to measure onto the cleaned prism.
  6. Press the 'START' button.
  7. Within seconds the Brix result of the juice will appear on the screen.
  8. After use, always give the meter a clean. The IC-PAL-1 is water-resistant, making it simple to keep clean. Wipe dry before storing away for your next Brix measurement.


The operation and maintenance of Atago handheld pocket refractometers, including the IC-PAL-1 used in this video, is incredibly straightforward. For more information on this range of refractometers by Atago, or if you need a hand finding the best refractometer for your needs, contact us!

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Brix is the measurement of the sugar content within a liquid solution. One degree Brix is equivalent to 1 gram of sucrose in 100 grams of the measured solution. Brix results display in degrees Brix (°Bx) or express as a percentage.

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