How to Measure the pH of Sushi Rice using the IC-HI981035 Foodcare Sushi pH Meter

How to Measure the pH of Sushi Rice using the IC-HI981035 Foodcare Sushi pH Meter

How to Measure the pH of Sushi Rice using the IC-HI981035 Foodcare Sushi pH Meter

Note: Before first use, you must calibrate the IC-HI981035 Hanna pH meter, and for consistently accurate results, you should recalibrate periodically. For enhanced measurement accuracy, Instrument Choice Scientists recommend a minimum of two-point calibration.



Video 1: Watch an Instrument Choice Scientist calibrate the IC-HI981035 Hanna pH meter

You will need;


  1. Pour fresh buffer solution into the two separate containers. Ensure there is enough to cover the electrode tip.
  2. .Press the button to switch on the unit.
  3. .Once on, press and hold the button until ‘CAL’ appears on the screen.
  4. .When ‘7.01’ displays on the LCD, place the electrode's tip into the pH 7.01 buffer.
  5. .The meter will automatically recognise the buffer solution, and the stabilisation icon (the small hourglass) will blink on the screen. Keep the electrode in the buffer solution.
  6. .When the reading becomes stable, the stability icon will disappear. The meter will automatically request the next solution, i.e., pH 4.01.
  7. .Take out of the pH7 buffer solution and give the meter a quick rinse in distilled water.
  8. .Place the tip of the electrode in the pH 4.01 buffer. The meter will automatically recognise the buffer, and the stability indicator will again start to blink.
  9. .Wait until the measurement is stable, which has occurred when the stability indicator disappears. ‘Sto’ will display as the meter saves this calibration.
  10. The tester will then automatically return to measurement mode.
  11. Give the meter a quick rinse, and it ready to perform sushi rice pH measurements.

Measuring Sushi Rice pH


Video 2: Watch an Instrument Choice scientist demonstrate how to measure sushi rice with the Hanna pH meter IC-HI981035

  1. The application-specific electrode design allows for the direct measurement of sushi rice without having to make a rice slurry. To take a measurement start by rinsing the electrode in water.
  2. Shake gently to remove any excess water.
  3. Insert into or contact the surface of the sushi rice.
  4. The stability indicator will blink while the meter is taking a measurement.
  5. The stability indicator disappears upon reaching a stable measurement.
  6. Take several measurements to ensure accurate measurements. Rinse the electrode between each test.
  7. When complete, clean the meter with water. If the electrode is particularly dirty, soak in the cleaning solution (included) for 20 minutes. After soaking, rinse with water and hydrate the electrode in storage solution for a minimum of 30 minutes then perform a recalibration.
  8. Once cleaned, add a few drops of storage solution to the cap and store away for your next measurement.


The IC-HI981035 pH meter by Hanna Instruments is a breeze to use and maintain. The accurate and easy-to-use meter enables sushi makers and sellers to confidently meet their HACCP and food safety requirements. 

Want more information on this or other Hanna pH meters? See the links below or contact us!

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