How to Measure the pH of Sushi Rice using the pH22 Horiba pH Meter

How to Measure the pH of Sushi Rice using the pH22 Horiba pH Meter

Food safety is everyone's business. An essential technique that minimises food safety risks associated with sushi is to acidify sushi rice to a pH of 4.6 or less. This process acts to inhibit the growth of many harmful pathogenic bacteria that may be present.


Figure 1 Watch an Instrument Choice Scientist demonstrate how to measure the pH of sushi rice using the pH22 Horiba pH Meter here

How to Measure the pH of Sushi Rice using the pH22 Horiba pH Meter

The pH22 pH meter by Horiba can take measurements using either a rice slurry or direct sushi rice samples. Both methods are covered below. Note: Before taking measurements, turn on the device and calibrate. If you are unsure how to calibrate this meter watch the video ‘ How to Calibrate the pH22 Compact pH Meter’.

Rice Slurry pH Measurement

You will need;

  • The pH22
  • Distilled water
  • Cooled acidified Sushi Rice
  1. The rice slurry shall be made up of a 50/50 mix of distilled water and acidified sushi rice. Mix ¼ cup of rice with ¼ cup of distilled water until a slurry forms.
  2. Open the pH22 lid and place enough of the rice slurry onto the sensor to cover it.
  3. Close the lid then press the ‘M’ button to start the measurement.
  4. You’ll know that you have obtained a stable measurement when a smiley face appears on your screen.
  5. Remove the rice paste from the sensor and rinse thoroughly with distilled water — repeat measurements for more precise results.
  6. Once you have finished using the meter, for the time being, clean the sensor with tap water and remove any excess moisture by dabbing gently with soft tissue

Direct Rice Measurement

You will need;

  • The pH22
  • Distilled water
  • Cooled acidified Sushi Rice
  1. Open the pH22 sensor lid and place some freshly acidified rice onto the sensor then close the lid.
  2. Press the ‘M’ button to start the measurement.
  3. When a smiley face appears on your screen, you’ll know you have obtained a stable pH reading.
  4. Remove the rice paste from the sensor and rinse thoroughly with distilled water — repeat measurements for more precise results.
  5. Once you have finished using the meter, for the time being, clean the sensor with tap water and remove any excess moisture by dabbing gently with soft tissue


Taking pH measurements of sushi rice is critical, as well as mandatory in some states and territories, to ensure customers can enjoy a stable and safe product. Being able to both sample rice directly or make a slurry, enhances the pH22 usability and makes it great for all sushi measuring circumstances.

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