How to Refill Electrolyte Solution in Refillable pH Electrodes

How to Refill Electrolyte Solution in Refillable pH Electrodes

It's essential to maintain an adequate electrolyte solution level within your pH electrode for accurate measurements. This guide details seven easy steps to refill the electrolyte in your pH tester.

Figure 1 Watch an Instrument Choice Scientist demonstrate how to refill electrolyte solution in refillable pH electrodes here.

How to Refill Electrolyte Solution in Refillable pH Electrodes


  1. pH electrode
  2. Pipette
  3. Electrode refilling solution. Check your pH electrode the type required. Contact us if you need help finding the right solution!


Your electrolyte replacement frequency will vary depending on the make, model and pH electrode junction type, your frequency of use and the sample type measured.

The ideal electrolyte level within a pH electrode is 2-3cm from the fill hole. Don't use the electrode when levels are below 3cm from the fill hole.

  1. Unscrew and remove the electrode fill hole cap.
  2. Fill the pipette with the electrolyte solution.
  3. Remove the air gaps from the pipette to ensure a smooth refill, then insert the pipette into the fill hole and expel contents slowly.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 until the electrode is refilled with an appropriate amount of electrolyte.
  5. Once full, remove the pipette. Discard any solution remaining in the pipette.
  6. Replace the electrode fill hole cap
  7. Calibrate your pH tester before use


If you have a refillable electrode type, you must ensure there's sufficient electrolyte solution within the electrode. A deficiently filled electrode will produce slow or inaccurate measurements, and you could experience difficulties calibrating your pH tester.

If you need help refilling your pH tester's electrode with electrolyte solution, see the links below or contact an Instrument Choice Scientist!

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