How to Replace the Electrode Probe on the IC-PC60 Digital pH Meter

How to Replace the Electrode Probe on the IC-PC60 Digital pH Meter

pH electrode probes are consumable items. Subject to your usage, Instrument Choice scientists recommend you replace your digital pH meter’s probe every 6-24 months. There are three tell-tale signs that it’s time to replace the electrode.

You will:

  1. Start having difficulty Calibrating your pH meter
  2. Experience unstable, variable or slow readings; or
  3. Notice physical signs of damage or wear and tear.

This demonstration, which shows how to replace a probe features the IC-PC60 digital pH meter. The IC-PC60 electrode simultaneously tests pH, electrical conductivity, TDS, salinity, and temperature in a quick, accurate, and reliable manner. This meter allows you to replace its multifunctional probe, rather than the whole device when you start to notice signs of failure.

Video: See the Instrument Choice Scientists change the electrode on the IC-PC60 Digital pH Meter in under two minutes here.

How to Replace the Electrode Probe on the IC-PC60 Digital pH Meter

  1. Pull to remove the clear storage cap and set aside.
  2. Locate the probe ring, where the electrode meets the meter, and twist off. Set the ring aside.
  3. Gently pull to unplug and remove the old probe. Discard the old probe.
  4. Plug the new electrode in, paying attention to the position. The tracks on the new probe will line up with the tracks on the meter body.
  5. Secure the blue ring back in place, twist to tighten.
  6. Place some KCI solution into the clear cap and soak the new probe for about 15 minutes.
  7. Calibrate before use. Watch an Instrument Choice Scientist calibrate the IC-PC60 in the video ‘How to Calibrate the IC-PC60 Multiparameter Meter’.


It’s essential to replace an electrode on your meter if there are visible signs of damage, will not calibrate, or is giving unstable and slow readings. With the IC-PC60 Digital pH Meter, this is a quick and straightforward task that is much cheaper than replacing the entire device.

For further information on the product and more videos, check out the additional links listed below.

Additional Links

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How to Prepare a Soil Slurry for pH Measurement

Soil pH can impact a plant’s uptake of nutrients. For healthy, vibrant plants and crops, it’s vital to check the pH of your soil. You can measure soil pH directly from the ground or via a soil slurry.

Measuring pH from a soil slurry is recommended when you have either:

1. A standard pH electrode incapable of penetrating the ground; or

2. Harder soil or soil that is high in debris such as sticks and stones.

To avoid inaccurate test results, and possibly, suboptimal soil nutrition, knowing how to prepare a soil slurry is essential.

This video article demonstrates the correct way to mix a soil slurry for soil pH measurement and the right way to operate your soil pH tester.


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