How To Utilise Weather Alarms To Optimise Your Home Garden

How To Utilise Weather Alarms To Optimise Your Home Garden

3 Ways a Weather Station Can Protect Your Home Garden from Extreme Weather

A home weather station provides hyperlocal weather information to help you plan and run your life – including your garden. This article explains how you can use home weather data and your weather station’s features to enhance the health of your plants and, when the weather decides to turn nasty, avoid catastrophic damage.

Unless you have a divine connection, you can’t control the weather – but with the right information delivered with enough warning, you can prepare for the worst!

The three key ingredients that make up a gardener’s effective weather information system are:

  1. hyperlocal temperature, rain and wind speed data
  2. the ability to forecast; and
  3. accessible adverse weather warnings and alarms.

Let’s take a closer look to understand the importance of each of these elements.

1. Temperature, Rainfall and Wind Speed

Local weather data for these parameters is a must-have for any keen gardener. Why?

  • When the temperature is too hot, your plants may wilt, droop – even die. If it’s too cold, frost may threaten.
  • If it rains enough today, skip watering and save time - and your water bill. However, too much rainfall may require emergency action, like digging drainage or transplanting precious specimens.  
  • Excessive wind gusts can strip leaves or fruit from plants - maybe break newly sprouted or delicate stems.

In summary, local real-time temperature, rain and wind speed data will allow you to monitor your plants’ environmental conditions properly, make informed decisions and take appropriate action when necessary.

2. Forecasting

Local media weather forecasts are typically general in nature, catering to an audience over an extensive area. Unfortunately, forecasts can be inaccurate for the geographic coordinates of your garden, and that’s no good for managing your property.

A weather station capable of producing up-to-the-minute hyperlocal weather forecasts can be a tremendous help when making all-important decisions like what and when to plant, weed or harvest,  the best time to work in the yard, the right clothing for the weather conditions, and so on.

3. Adverse Weather Warnings and Alarms

A home weather station with alarm functionality will warn you when weather conditions that could damage your plants are imminent or happening.  Some WIFI-enabled stations send instant push notifications to your phone when bad weather is forecast or arrives – so you can spring into action!

Excellent Weather Stations for Anyone with Green Thumbs

Your Instrument Choice team has included a selection of their favourite weather stations suitable for home gardeners. If you would like some expert guidance to find the right station for your unique weather monitoring needs, contact us! 

7 Inch Colour WiFi Wireless Weather Station
Product code: IC0370

The IC0370 is easily the best selling weather station at Instrument Choice and is a perfect tool for gardening. In addition to capturing local temperature, rainfall and wind speed data, this device also offers:

1. Light levels: A unique feature to this group of stations, the IC0370 measures and displays the current light level so you can determine if your light-sensitive plants are receiving insufficient, perfect or excessive sunshine.

2. Indoor and outdoor customisable preset alarms will notify you immediately the weather becomes suboptimal. You can also activate indoor temperature and humidity alerts - a great bonus if you’re concerned for the welfare of your indoor plants.

3. WIFI connectivity: The IC0370 connects to WIFI to link you to a range of third party weather sites like Using the Weather Underground app, you can access your current weather information anywhere!

Gardening-Appropriate Specifications

The IC0370 Measures, Calculates and Reports:

1. Indoor Temperature
2. Outdoor Temperature
3. Indoor Humidity
4. Outdoor Humidity/Trend
5. Barometric Pressure
6. Rainfall

7. Wind Speed
8. Wind Direction
9. Heat Index
10. Dew Point
11. Light Levels
12. Forecasts


This product indicates future weather conditions using sunny, partly sunny, cloudy, rainy, stormy and snowy icons.  In addition, weather tendency indicators - rising, steady and falling – allow you to track weather trends based on three-hour data samples that update every half an hour. 

Tendency Indicators

Tendency Meaning





Rising >3%

Rising ≥1°C

Rising > 1hpa


Steady ≤3%

Steady <1°C

Steady 1hpa


Falling >3%

Falling ≥1°C

Falling > 1hpa

Weather Alarms:

1. Indoor high temperature
2. Indoor low temperature
3. Indoor high humidity
4. Indoor low humidity
5. Outdoor high temperature
6. Outdoor low temperature

7. Outdoor high humidity
8. Outdoor low humidity
9. High wind
10. High gust
11. Rain rate high
12. Rain day total high setting

Click here to discover the unique features that make this weather station a popular choice for gardeners


V40A-PRO Wireless WiFi Professional Weather Station
Product code: IC-V40A-PRO

Comprising a multi-sensor and a separate temperature and humidity sensor, the V40-A-PRO can benefit your garden management in the following ways:

1.  Away from your console? The La Crosse “View” application enables you to receive alerts and push notifications straight to your smart device when user-defined values go above or fall below your desired range.

2. Keep track of your data on the LaCrosse View app and return to specific batches of recorded data quickly and conveniently. For example, you can see how much rainfall there was yesterday to know how much water to apply today.

3. Want to monitor several locations?  Through the LaCrosse view application, you can add multiple additional sensors like the multi-sensor and temperature/humidity sensor and view all data on your phone – how easy is that! 

Gardening-Appropriate Specifications

The V40-A-PRO Measures, Calculates and Reports:

1. Temperature
2. Dew Point
3. Heat Index
4. Humidity
5. Rainfall
6. "Feels Like"

7. Wind Chill
8. Wind Direction
9. Wind Speed
10. Forecast
11. Trends
12. Time/Date


Get easy to understand forecasts using icons for sunny, partly sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm and snow. 

Further, trend arrows update every 15-minutes to reflect changes over the past hour. 

UP ARROW: For this to show, the temperature will rise by 1°C, or the humidity will go up by 3%RH or more within the current hour.

DOWN ARROW: For this to show, the temperature will fall by 1°C or the humidity drop by 3%RH or more within the current hour.

Weather Alarms:

Console Alarms

  1. Outdoor LOW Temperature
  2. Outdoor HIGH Temperature
  3. Outdoor LOW Humidity
  4. Outdoor HIGH Humidity
  5. Indoor LOW Temperature
  6. Indoor HIGH Temperature
  7. Indoor LOW Humidity
  8. Indoor HIGH Humidity
  9. 4 Hour Rainfall
  10. HIGH Wind speed

LaCrosse View App Alarms 


1. Wind speed and direction
2. Rainfall amount within a specified time of 1-hour, 24-hours or 7-days

Temperature/Humidity Sensor

3. Outdoor LOW Temperature
4. Outdoor HIGH Temperature
5. Maximum Heat Index
6. Outdoor LOW Humidity
7.Outdoor HIGH Humidity

Look no further than the V40 Pro for user customisable alerts sent instantly to your smartphone.
View the Product Page here


Weatherlink Live and Vantage Vue Wireless Weather Station Package
Product code: IC-Weatherlinklive-IC6250AU

This package lets you view live conditions on your console and stream your weather data live over WiFi to the Weatherlink Cloud using Weatherlink Live. So what makes this package an ideal gardening companion?

1. Impressive user-configurable alarms on the console – have 21 alarms set at any one time.

2. Easy connection to the WeatherLink Cloud – use the free WeatherLink website and mobile app to view, share and analyse your data, no matter where you’re located in the world.

3. Monitor every aspect of your home and garden environment by adding sensors. Build a custom network of over 80 sensors on eight transmitters so you can see data from sensors in the garden, by the pool, out in the garage, and down in the wine cellar- all using WeatherLink Live. 

Gardening-Appropriate Specifications

Measures & Calculates:

1. Temperature
2. Barometric Pressure
3. Dew Point
4. Heat Index
5. Humidity
6. Rainfall

7. Rain Rate
8. Wind Chill
9. Wind Direction
10. Wind Speed
11. Forecast
12. Moon phase


The indoor console’s easy to understand forecast icons inform you what to expect - sun, partly cloudy, rain, or snow. View this information both in the 12-hour icon forecast (below) or a 24–48 hour ticker-tape forecast along the bottom of the console.

Weather Alarms:



Barometric Pressure Trend

Storm Warning - uses trend value falling rate
Storm Clearing - uses trend value rising rate

Inside Humidity

High and low

Outside Humidity

High and low

Dew Point

High and low


Flash Flood Alarm - uses current 15-minute rainfall total
24 Hour Rain Alarm - uses current 24-hour rainfall total


Storm Alarm - uses current storm rainfall total

Rain Rate


Inside Temperature

High and low

Outside Temperature

High and low

Heat Index Temperature


Wind Chill Temperature


Wind Speed

High and 10-minute average

Time and Date

User-set the alarm sounds for one minute


Suitable for home and professional applications.
Get all the IC6250AU’s features and specifications here.


The Final Word

A home weather station is a wonderful addition to any backyard garden. When used correctly, it can help take your gardening to the next level. The products mentioned above represent just a few of the many weather stations that will help enhance your gardening adventures.

Click here to browse Instrument Choice’s complete selection of weather stations

For more information on weather stations or assistance finding the best station for your application, speak with an Instrument Choice Scientist: Call 1300 737 871 or email [email protected].

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