Instrument Choice Product Review: IC0370 Wireless Weather Station

With such a huge variety of home weather stations on the market, all with different features and capabilities, getting to know what each station offers can be a challenge. The great news is that your Instrument Choice team regularly reviews new and popular weather station models so you can make more informed choices!
Today we closely examine the IC0370 Wireless Weather Station, assessing the features of its outdoor multi-sensor station and indoor console. We also touch on the device’s WIFI connectivity and what it means for your local weather data collecting capabilities.
About the IC0370 WIFI Wireless Weather Station
The IC0370WIFI Wireless Weather Station is one of the world’s most powerful, cost-effective, and popular home weather stations. Review the extensive list of features below to see why!
The IC0370 measures and calculates;
- Indoor temperature (-10C to +60C),
- Outdoor temperature (-25C to +60C),
- Indoor humidity (10% to 99% RH)
- Outdoor humidity/trend (10% to 99% RH),
- Barometric pressure (300-1100hPa)
- Rainfall (display - 6000mm)
- Wind speed (0-50m/s)
- Wind direction,
- Light levels (0-400k Lux)
- UV index
- Calculates heat index
- Calculates dewpoint
- Calculates a weather forecast
Collected data is transmitted 100 meters (line of sight) to an aesthetically pleasing 7-inch indoor colour display. Here you can easily access all collected information, adjust viewing parameters, set alarms, and review high and low historical records.
Outdoor Sensor Suite
The IC0370 boasts a sleek modern design that blends seamlessly into any backyard or sits comfortably on a roof. Here is a run-down of the extensive range of outdoor sensors:
1. Rain Gauge: A funnel directs rain onto the tipping spoon measurement mechanism. Measures rain volume to an accuracy of ±10%.
2. Bubble Level: The IC0370’s onboard bubble level ensures the harvesting of accurate rain data and helps make installation straightforward.
3. Wind Vane: Indicates wind direction.
4. Wind Cups: Anemometer wind cups record wind speeds from 0-50 meters per second. Accurate to ±1m/s (wind speed< 5m/s) and ±10% (wind speed > 5m/s).
5. UV/Light Sensor: Collects and calculates solar radiation. Displays the UV index and light levels from 0-400 Lux - a super-useful feature for anyone with solar panels!
6. Solar Panel: An onboard solar panel powers the station throughout daylight hours, conserving batteries.
7. Thermo-Hygro Sensor under Radiation Shield: Measures temperature from -25°C to +60°C and relative humidity from 10%-99%. Accuracy is enhanced by a radiation shield that protects the sensor from solar radiation and other radiated or reflected sources of heat.
8. Hardware Kit Provided: Includes two U-Bolts, a backing plate, four nuts, and a spanner to help you get your weather station mounted faster – all you need is a pole!
9. Battery Compartment: Takes 3 x AA batteries (provided at no charge by Instrument Choice). Together with the solar panel, these will ensure continuous power.
10. Mounting Position: This is a sturdy pre-formed area for the insertion of the counting pole and to secure the station in place using the mounting hardware kit provided.
11. LED Indicator: Flashes every 16 seconds when the station is transmitting.
12. Reset Button: Reset the sensor array at any time, as required.
Indoor Console
The brightly coloured, high visibility screen of the indoor console gives an abundance of weather information at a glance.
Information on the console includes:
1. Time |
10. Rainfall |
2. Moon Phase |
11. Outdoor Humidity |
3. Weather Forecast Icons |
12. Indoor Humidity |
4. Barometric Pressure |
13. Radiofrequency Icon |
5. UV Index |
14. Indoor Temperature |
6. Light Level |
15. Outdoor Temperature |
7. Wind Speed |
16. Date |
8. Wind Direction |
17. WIFI Icon (would appear here) |
9. MAX/MIN/Daily Icon |
Below the coloured LCD screen are eight intuitive navigation buttons for straightforward operation.
18. Set button
19. Temp button
20. Rain Button
21. Wind '+' Button
22. Pressure '-'button
23. Alarm
24. Max/Min
Other Features
But wait, there's more…
In addition to all the features mentioned above, the IC0370 Wireless Weather Station is WIFI enabled and compatible with a host of third-party weather applications. The most popular of these is Weather Underground.
When used in conjunction with third-party applications, you can view and share your hyperlocal data from your weather station anywhere, at any time. Watch the video below to learn how to connect your IC0370 to Weather Underground or read our article What is Weather Underground?.
The IC0370 is a highly functional and uncomplicated weather station that is brimming with advanced features guaranteed to delight any home weather enthusiast.
For more information on the IC0370 WIFI Wireless Weather Station, speak with an Instrument Choice Scientist, we're weather fanatics! Call 1300 737 871 or email [email protected].
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