Internet Weather Stations - What options are there?

Don’t you hate it when the forecast says there’s no chance of rain on the weekend, then the weekend comes and it rains on your parade (literally)? Yep, so do we here at Instrument Choice.
This happens if your local station is located a fair distance from you, so the forecast you receive may not be accurate for you.
With a home weather station, you can have hyperlocal current weather and forecasts at your fingertips. Even more impressive is the increased functionality of weather stations. It is now easier than ever to receive real-time information and weather forecasts right to your mobile phone.
How? The answer is… the Internet.
What are Internet Weather Stations?
Internet weather stations are simply home weather stations that have Internet access. Generally, Internet-enabled weather stations come with a user-friendly app or website so you can access all of your home weather data in one place.
Five reasons you need an Internet Weather Station
- Easily log, graph, track, share and store data. Gone are the days of manually recording or plugging in weather stations to transfer your data. Internet weather stations will now wirelessly transfer and store all your weather data online.
- Personal alerts to your pocket. Take preventive action against wild weather by having the ability to receive local alerts such as high winds or extreme highs and lows in temperature straight to your phone.
- Instant, hyperlocal information. Always be on top of the weather, access your current conditions as they happen.
- Plan your life with an accurate forecast. Never get caught out by bad weather again. Know what conditions to expect and when they’ll occur with accurate forecasting you can do at home.
- Connect up and automate your smart home. Some Internet-enabled weather stations now communicate with smart home devices such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. "Hey Google, what will the weather be like at home tomorrow?’’
Some example of Internet weather stations
Here are three noteworthy Internet weather stations with Internet connectivity available on Instrument Choice. Each has varying features and connectivity options. All these examples have an app available for Android and Apple.
La Crosse IC-V22-WRTHThe Weather Station:
The La Crosse Technology V22-WRTH is a WIFI weather station. Can function as a standard alone station or in conjunction with the La Crosse View App. This kit comes complete with an indoor base station with colour LCD, outdoor sensor, wind sensor and rain bucket. This model monitors indoor and outdoor humidity & temperature, dew point, wind speed, rainfall as well as weather forecasting. The App Features:
Netatmo Weather Station kit IC-NWS01-FWSThe Weather Station:
The Netatmo IC-NWS01-FWS weather station kit is a minimalist and ergonomically designed wireless Internet weather station. There is no internal console with the Netatmo kit, all information is sent via WIFI straight to your device. This kit comes with the Netatmo urban weather station, wind gauge and rain gauge. With these sensors, the Netatmo can measure indoor and outdoor temperature & humidity, barometric pressure, indoor CO2 levels, sound levels, rainfall as well as wind direction and speed.
The App features:
Weatherlink Live IC6100The Weather Station:
Compatible with the Davis Vantage Vue and the Davis Vantage Pro2. Weatherlink live negates the need for an indoor console and simply streams all your weather data live over WIFI to the Weatherlink cloud. Easily access all of your data from the app on your phone or computer. With either the Vantage Vue or Pro2 you will be able to measure indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity, rainfall, rain rate, heat index, dew point, barometric pressure as well as wind direction, speed and chill.
The App Features:
Internet Weather stations are a gamechanger. With the power of hyperlocal weather information sent straight to your phone, you’ll never get caught out by mother nature again! There are Internet weather stations to suit all needs and budgets, which is why they are becoming increasingly popular in Australian homes.
The three Internet weather stations we have profiled are just a few of many available on the Instrument Choice website. Check out more here.
Have questions? Need help finding the best Internet weather station for you? Contact one of our friendly scientists on 1300 737 871 or email them at [email protected].
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With such a huge variety of home weather stations on the market, all with different features and capabilities, getting to know what each station offers can be a challenge. The great news is that your Instrument Choice team regularly reviews new and popular weather station models so you can make more informed choices!
Today we closely examine the IC0370 Wireless Weather Station, assessing the features of its outdoor multi-sensor station and indoor console. We also touch on the device’s WIFI connectivity and what it means for your local weather data collecting capabilities.