Alpha Lab Inc.

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Product code: IC-TF2
The TriField EMF Meter is an AC gaussmeter, AC electric field meter, and radio power density meter in a single unit. Combines all the features needed for fast, accurate measurements of electromagnetic fields (EMF). Peak Hold captures fast pulses, for measuring fast digital signals. Special frequency weighting mode for measuring electric current from EMF in the human body.
$385.00 AUD + GST
$423.50 AUD Inc. GST
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Product code: IC-AIC-200MIL
The Air Ion Counter (200 million ions/cc) is a Gerdien Tube (Gerdien Condenser) meter that measures the number of positive and negative ion in air.
$1,322.00 AUD + GST
$1,454.20 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 13th of April 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-AIC-2MIL
The Air Ion Counter (2 million ions/cc) is a Gerdien Tube (Gerdien Condenser) meter that measures the number of positive and negative ion in air.
$1,322.00 AUD + GST
$1,454.20 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 13th of April 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-PLM
The Line EMI Meter measures electromagnetic interference in a single-phase AC power line. It plugs into a wall outlet (mains socket) and requires no battery.
$325.00 AUD + GST
$357.50 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 23rd of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-MGM
This meter reads weak DC magnetic fields down to 1 nT (.01 mG). It has a resolution of 0.01 milligauss (1 nanotesla) and a range of +/-2000 milligauss (200 microteslas). The meter's magnetoresistive sensor is a major improvement over an uncompensated fluxgate magnetometer both in cost and stability.
$1,300.00 AUD + GST
$1,430.00 AUD Inc. GST
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Product code: IC-1-HS
The Gaussmeter Model GM1-HS reads moderate-strength static magnetic fields up to 800 G with a resolution of 0.01G. It measures magnetization of ferrous metals, solenoids and the far field of strong magnets.
$1,097.00 AUD + GST
$1,206.70 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 23rd of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-AIC3Pro
The Precis-Ion Air Ion Counter Model AIC3Pro is a lightweight, handheld Gerdien condenser meter that measures the number of positive or negative air ions. The meter can display both polarities and their sum. It also features a Li battery and data/time stamped data recording via a removable MicroSD card. Has two different measurement ranges (2 million or 200 million ions/cc). All measurements and recordings are date and time stamped. Easily stream and upload measured online through the included app.
$1,979.00 AUD + GST
$2,176.90 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 30th of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-VGM
Displays X, Y, Z and magnitude of magnetic field, for rapid mapping and measurement of magnetized materials with optional USB datalogging and an alarm. Maximum range is +/- 799.99 gauss.
$2,645.00 AUD + GST
$2,909.50 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 23rd of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-USSVM2
An electrostatic meter, the USSVM2 reads static electricity without contact. It measures voltage on surfaces and can be used to calculate charge density on insulators. It has peak hold and a resolution of 1/10 of a volt on a 20K volt range.
$2,674.00 AUD + GST
$2,941.40 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 23rd of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-SVM2
An electrostatic meter, the SVM2 reads static electricity without contact. It measures voltage on conductive surfaces and can be used to calculate charge density on insulators.
$1,425.00 AUD + GST
$1,567.50 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 23rd of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-MA2
The MicroAlert 2 is a receiver that beeps when it detects emission from smart meters, cell phones and towers, microwave ovens, wireless devices, automatic door openers, etc. Designed with very low power consumption, it can stay on continuously for years using a single replaceable battery.
$240.00 AUD + GST
$264.00 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 23rd of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-MR3
The MR3 Magnetoresistive Milligauss Meter measures and displays the three vector components (X, Y, Z) as well as the magnitude (M) of the static magnetic field. Update is two times per second. The three sensors are in a 25 mm (1 inch) cube at the end of a flexible 100 cm (40 inch) cable.
$3,868.00 AUD + GST
$4,254.80 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 23rd of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-GM2
The model GM2 is designed to measure strong and moderate magnetic fields, such as from magnets and solenoids. It is a laboratory gaussmeter that reads AC/DC magnetic fields, true peak field, has an alarm and optional USB datalogging. Maximum range is 30,000 gauss.
$2,228.00 AUD + GST
$2,450.80 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 23rd of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-EM2
The Earth Magnetometer Model EM2 measures the Earth magnetic field with a resolution of 1nT (1 gamma). This resolution is about 0.002% of the typical Earth field strength. It is used to locate buried magnetic objects or materials.
$2,104.00 AUD + GST
$2,314.40 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 23rd of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-1-ST
The Gaussmeter Model GM1-ST measures the field of even the strongest magnet (to 20kG) down to fine resolution (0.1G). Features rapid turn-on and fast update.
$1,408.00 AUD + GST
$1,548.80 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 23rd of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-ASMGM
This meter is used to verify compliance with IATA, IACO, and FAA regulations on magnetism from packages to be shipped by air.
$1,516.00 AUD + GST
$1,667.60 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 23rd of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-UHS2
The AC Milligauss Meter Model UHS2 measures AC magnetic field in a wide frequency range of 13 Hz to 75 kHz (75,000 Hz). The frequencies include most ELF (that is, frequencies below 1 kHz) and VLF (above 1 kHz) magnetic fields
$1,097.00 AUD + GST
$1,206.70 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 23rd of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-AIC200M
The Air Ion Counter (200 million ions/cc) is a Gerdien Tube (Gerdien Condenser) meter that measures the number of positive and negative ion in air.
$1,509.00 AUD + GST
$1,659.90 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 30th of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-AIC20M
The Air Ion Counter (20 million ions/cc) is a Gerdien Tube (Gerdien Condenser) meter that measures the number of positive and negative ion in air.
$1,509.00 AUD + GST
$1,659.90 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 27th of April 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: AIC2-HARD-CASE
A carrying case that is compatible with the Air Ion Counter Model AIC2.
$139.00 AUD + GST
$152.90 AUD Inc. GST
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Product code: IC-ZGC
Used to 'zero' probes for gaussmeters, the ZGC has a built-in degausser and can achieve < 0.002 gauss in a typical external field.
$495.00 AUD + GST
$544.50 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 23rd of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-GM2PROBESUST
The ST Universal Probe is a flexible probe for use with the Gaussmeter Model GM2. - Maximum Range: +/- 19,999.9 - Resolution: G / 0.1 G; 20kG to 30kG /1G.
$572.00 AUD + GST
$629.20 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 23rd of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-GM2PROBESHSU
HS Universal is a flexible probe for use with the Gaussmeter Model GM2. - Max Range: +/- 799.99 G - Resolution: 0.01G
$572.00 AUD + GST
$629.20 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 23rd of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm